9Tube is the revolutionary new way to watch and search for videos.

This React-based application lets you search for YouTube videos using the YouTube API, then choose a video from a list to watch.

To use 9Tube, simply type what you're looking for in the search bar. A page of video results with titles and preview images will appear.

Next, choose a video that you would like to watch. Comments can be left below the video as well. It's just that simple.

9Tube logo


Headshot of Isaac Gonzalez

Isaac Gonzalez


Full Stack Developer. Passionate about being the best I can possibly be!

Jonathan Scheiber

Jonathan Scheiber


Jonathan is a full-stack web developer with a background in IT and customer service from New York, NY. He is currently learning JavaScript and React. His interests include user experience (UX) design, project management, and accessibility.

Jan C. Matias

Jan C. Matias


Hi there! I’m Jan, an aspiring Full Stack Web Developer based in NYC. If I’m not battling self-spawned bugs, you can catch me binge watching Anime, being forced to watch Gilmore Girls for the millionth time, or planning a getaway trip with my lovely wife.